Day by Day cartoon

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our vacation Part Deux

So the previous post was all about our trip to the Land of Lincoln to see our grandbabies and let me just say again how much fun it was and how much we both enjoyed our time there. It was really terrific.

But we had another place to be in the Midwest- Alpena Michigan, to see my mom and grandmother for Mothers Day. It was 4 hour drive from Detroit to Alpena but the Lincolm MKZ that we rented and our Magellan GPS made it short and sure.

It was late when we got in but we got tucked in and then in the morning went with Mom to church. Afterwards there was a dandy dinner with several of my aunts and uncles and cousins. We had an extremely enjoyable afternoon visiting and checking out firewood piles and an uncle's new house next door to Grandma's. I have some really neat cousins that have cool talents and hobbies and I like getting to sit around with them discovering what they have been keeping busy with. Cousin Steve has taken up blacksmithing as a hobby and this month is on the cover of the Michigan Artist Blacksmith newsletter with his hummingbird that he makes. His talented spouse took all the pictures and wrote the story and they were both tickled to have their efforts recognized on the cover of the newsletter. I actually got to see one of his hummingbirds and some beautiful lilies that he made for his folks. Cousin Tom helped his dad build the new house from foundation to shingles and everything in between. He's also a motorhead that likes buying damaged vehicles and rebuilding them. Cousin Tammy is a talented gardener. So catching up with my kin is always a real treat and the Sunday afternoon visit was a terrific time.

On Monday Mom took us sightseeing in Alpena, first to the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and then to the Jesse Besser Museum. Out back of this really nice museum is a log house that belonged to my Grandma's grandfather and there is a picture of the gent sitting on the steps of the cabin hanging in Grandma's house. I didn't know this but from 1910 to 1913 there was even a car manufactured in Alpena. The museum was dandy with replicas of some old buildings, an antique fire-fighting rig and some very fun taxidermy displays.

Later, uncle Mike grilled some thick pork chops on the grill and we had a very nice Michigan evening with family. I even was able to do a couple fixes on Mom's computer!

Tuesday was another very full day and will require its very own post. But it will have to wait until later. I'm tired of typing tonight!

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